Mains rehabilitation is the process of relining, cleaning or otherwise rehabilitating water mains in order to maintain or restore water quality or volume. There are four main reasons why mains rehabilitation would be carried out which include the need to preserve or improve water quality, prevent… View Full Term
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By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Tensile force is the stretching forces acting on the material and has two components namely, tensile stress and tensile strain. This means that the material experiencing the force is under tension and the forces are trying to stretch it. When a tensile force is applied to a material, it…
An invert level is defined as the elevation of the inside-bottom of a pipe, trench, culvert, or tunnel. It may also be considered the "floor level" of a pipe. Invert levels are essential for assessing the flow in a piping system. For example, the invert of a municipal sewer…
Hoop stress is the stress that occurs along the pipe’s circumference when pressure is applied. Hoop stress acts perpendicular to the axial direction. Hoop stresses are tensile and generated to resist the bursting effect that results from the application of pressure. Three principal…
Site investigation is an integral part of any construction project, and should be attributed as much significance as would be ascribed to any other part of the project. The risk associated with undertaking a project without adequate site investigation is monumental. It's wiser to be…
By: Tabitha Mishra
Pipe jacking is a term that describes a specific trenchless pipeline installation technique. It's also used in conjunction with other trenchless methods, such as horizontal auger boring and microtunneling, where the jacking process is used to push in a pipe into a prepared borehole.…
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a conventional method employed by cities and construction workers to install utilities and plumbing underground. Unlike traditional underground installation, HDD does not require open trenches to complete. Equipment Needed for HDD As horizontal…
By: Denise Sullivan
Pipelines installed using trenchless crossing methods face many engineering and geological challenges. Trenchless crossings are frequently used to install pipelines under rivers, highways, railway embankments, buildings or sensitive environmental habitats. Unique risk factors come with…
By: Bertus Vos | Co-Founder and Principal Engineer, BlueFox Engineering
Tunnel boring machines (TBMs) and microtunnel boring machines (MTBMs) are used to construct underground tunnels and passages with circular cross-sections. They both use a drilling mechanism, known as a cutting head, to remove material and advance the equipment forward. However, both these…
By: bdbolin
Microtunneling and guided boring are often erroneously used interchangeably in the construction industry. While both these trenchless boring methods may seem identical, there are a number of key differences between the two that need to be considered when deciding which technology is…
By: Krystal Nanan | Civil Engineer
In the realm of underground infrastructure repair or installation, trenchless technology has revolutionized how professionals approach projects. This innovative method…
By: Chad Decker | Founding Partner, Devco Development and Engineering
Installing utilities like water, electricity, gas, and telecommunications infrastructure often involves disruptive processes that can inconvenience communities, disrupt…
By: Trenchlesspedia Staff
Horizontal Auger Boring offers a streamlined approach to installing underground pipelines, conduits, and cables without the need for extensive excavation. But, like any…
There are two primary methodologies within the realm of underground construction: trenchless and cut-and-cover. Both methods have distinctive characteristics and…
Trenchless methods are efficient and environmentally sustainable options for many projects, but require careful consideration of the equipment used. To select the most…
In the fields of engineering and construction, pipe repair is essential to the upkeep and maintenance of infrastructure. My role as a managing partner at Devco…
Pipe bursting is an advanced trenchless solution designed to replace deteriorating pipes without the need for extensive excavation. By employing different techniques,…
When it comes to trenchless excavation, choosing the right trenchless boring method is crucial to the success of your project. Trenchless boring, also known as…
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) and auger boring are two common methods of trenchless excavation used in construction projects. Both methods offer unique benefits…
Trenchless technology has revolutionized the construction industry in the past few decades. With the advent of trenchless techniques like pipe jacking and…
The inadvertent return of drilling fluid is common in horizontal directional drilling (HDD) projects, and though not harmful to the environment, inadvertent returns are…
Requirements for horizontal directional drilling (HDD) environmental planning and construction monitoring vary greatly across North America, but regulatory obligations…
Mains Rehabilitation
By: Bertus Vos
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Della is a Civil Engineer with extensive yet progressing experience in a consulting industry. Her experience primarily focuses on underground…
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Klaus joined SAERTEX multiCom LP in 2019, first responsible for the business development in North America and from MAY 2020 as Managing Director.He…
Sky Cato serves as the Director of Operations for Internal Pipeline Solutions and manages much of the day to day operations. He has 14 years of…