What Does
Lagoon Mean?
Lagoons are water bodies similar to ponds or lakes. They are formed by sea water but separated from it by barriers of rock, sandbars or coral reefs. These are natural formations that are protected by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) against damage by human activities such as construction. If pipelines have to cross through such environmentally sensitive areas, trenchless construction methods such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD) or microtunneling can be used to avoid damage.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Lagoon
There are two kinds of lagoons, namely coastal lagoons and atoll lagoons. Lagoons are commonly found in coastal regions all over the world. Coastal lagoons are sometimes confused for estuaries, which are another form of water body and are formed where the coasts have gentle slopes. These lagoons are connected to the ocean by an inlet. Atoll lagoons are formed when an island becomes submerged in water with a ring of coral around it that grows upward. These lagoons are very deep compared to coastal lagoons.