Mountain Crossing

Published: June 23, 2018 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Mountain Crossing Mean?

Mountain crossings are routes that are laid over, around or under mountains for the purpose of allowing passage for vehicles, trains and pipelines carrying water, gas or oil.

As global trade and travel increases, so does the need for greater connectivity. Trenchless construction methods using directional drilling has made it possible to make crossings through mountains without disturbing the ecological balance that exists in such areas.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Mountain Crossing

Mountain crossings for vehicular traffic and passage for trains are made through mountains using huge tunnel boring machines (TBM) that slice through rocks. These machines use a cutting wheel equipped with cutting tools depending on the geological conditions present at sites, such as soft soil or hard rock.

Sometimes, oil, gas and water pipelines also may have to cross through mountainous regions. In such cases, the shortest and most economical route is selected from the source to the destination. Sometimes, a longer route may be selected if the shorter crossings are hazardous due to unstable soil conditions or difficult terrain.

Most mountain crossing projects require multiple trenchless crossing installations. A lot of research and investigation goes into the planning stage to come up with a route that is safe, cost-effective and economical.

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