What Does
Direct Connection Mean?
A direct connection is a type of pipe-locating technology that entails applying a transmitter signal to a metal utility pipe or cable to help identify and locate the target line or utility. The direct connection process involves forming a closed electrical circuit with the transmitter equipment and the utility line via a directly connected lead wire. This direct connection causes a signal to be emitted from the underground utility which can then be received by a walkover locator to determine the pipe’s location.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Direct Connection
The direct connection method operates by transmitting radio signals from a buried utility line to be subsequently detected by a receiver above ground. The main component of the direct connection equipment, the transmitter, is used to energize the underground metallic utility with a locating tone via a direct connection.
A complete circuit is formed by clamping one end of the transmitter lead directly to the metal utility – such as a shut-off valve, or a street lamp – while connecting the other end to ground. Once the connections are made, the transmitter causes signals to be emitted from the buried utility which can then be picked up with the locator on the surface.
This method is preferred for locating secondary electric, water and gas utilities.