Excavator Bucket

Published: October 30, 2019 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Excavator Bucket Mean?

Excavator buckets are digging attachments with teeth that can be fixed to the arm of an excavator. The buckets are controlled by the excavator operator using controls in the cabin. There are different types of excavator buckets that are used depending on where the digging has to be done.

Excavator buckets can also be used to move dirt or load dump trucks for transportation to dumping sites. Excavators are used in conventional trenching methods for laying pipelines and also used for digging trial pits for geotechnical investigation.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Excavator Bucket

Excavator buckets can be of different types:

Digging bucket – This comes as a standard attachment with all excavators and is most commonly used. They have sharp blunt teeth that are ideal for topsoil excavation.

Rock bucket – These buckets are similar to digging buckets but have structural parts that have been reinforced. This allows the bucket to be pushed with greater power to break hard rock without damaging itself. They have long, sharp teeth and a narrow V-shaped cutting edge.

V bucket – This is ideal for digging V-shaped trenches for installing utility cables and pipes that have to be installed at shallow depths.

Riddle bucket – These buckets are made of heavy metal plates with gaps that allow for smaller particles to fall through. Ideal for separating coarse soil from fine particles.

Grading or clean-up bucket – These buckets do not have teeth but have greater capacity than other buckets. They are used for scooping up soft soil and material. They are used for sloping, leveling and back-filling.

Hard-pan bucket – These buckets are built for maximum strength and durability and are similar to a rock bucket. The difference lies in the ripping teeth attached to the back of the bucket that loosens compact earth while digging.

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