High Pump Pressure

Published: April 17, 2019 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does High Pump Pressure Mean?

High Pump pressure in the context of gel strength indicates the pressure created in the pump if the mud has high gel strength. Gel strength is measured on a viscometer and indicates the gelling that will take place once circulation of drilling fluid is stopped. It measures the inter-particle forces that will prevent the cuttings from settling in the borehole.

To break circulation in a high gel mud, high pump pressure is required.

Trenchlesspedia Explains High Pump Pressure

The drilling fluid is stirred at 600 rounds per minute (rpm) using a viscometer or rheometer. The 3 rpm reading is used to take the gel strength measurement after 10 seconds and 10 minutes. A third reading is also taken after 30 minutes to study if the gel formation is significant in case of long static periods such as when the bottom hole assembly (BHA) trips.

The mud will create high pump pressure to break circulation after the mud has been static for a long period of time.

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