Wireline, in the context of trenchless technology, is a guidance system for guiding a drill head during the process of underground horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The position and altitude of the drill head is transmitted to the monitoring system housed within the drill operator with the… View Full Term
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Tunneling is at the heart of trenchless technology — it’s what allows trenchless methods to exist. Learn all about the methods and science of tunneling right here.
Horizontal Auger Boring offers a streamlined approach to installing underground pipelines, conduits, and cables without the need for extensive excavation. But, like any…
By: Trenchlesspedia Staff
Trenchless technology has revolutionized the construction industry in the past few decades. With the advent of trenchless techniques like pipe jacking and…
Well-used drilling fluid will be full of unwanted solid content from the borehole after a drilling operation. The drilling fluid picks up all the soil and rock cuttings…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and microtunneling are trenchless pipeline installation techniques widely used for installing water, sewer, gas, electricity, and…
Trenchless technology is used for the construction and rehabilitation of buried pipelines. Owing to its non-disruptive nature, it has become the method of choice when it…
Trenchless technology will soon be the leading choice for pipeline construction and rehabilitation projects. While open-cut methods have not become obsolete, they have…
Boring into the ground to lay new pipe is a time-consuming project. There are many ways to run a new line in a place where no previous line existed. Traditional open…
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Microtunneling is a common trenchless construction technique. Communities use this method to help lay new utility and sewage lines. Oil and gas companies use…
Microtunneling is an accurate and reliable trenchless method that can bore through all types of soil, sand, and clay, and even through hard rock.Pipeline diameters…
The planning phase for a microtunneling project typically includes data collection, core testing of soil and rock samples, and a geotechnical survey. The most…
Auger boring is one of the most popular forms of trenchless pipe installations around the world. The cutting tool burrows into the ground creating a path for new pipe to…
Signs reading "Road Closed" have almost become a thing of the past, thanks to trenchless technology. There was a time when laying new pipelines or undertaking repair for…
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