Vapor plume migration refers to the migration of contaminants trapped in air bubbles in the vapor phase. The vapor plume migration takes place when the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system with the help of extraction wells creates a negative pressure in the unsaturated zone. Vapor plume migration… View Full Term
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This trenchless method of installing pipe and other utilities underground uses a surface-launched drilling rig. It causes little impact on the surrounding area and is used in situations when trenching or excavating is impossible or impractical.
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) and auger boring are two common methods of trenchless excavation used in construction projects. Both methods offer unique benefits…
By: Trenchlesspedia Staff
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is often a preferred trenchless pipe installation approach. It is completed in multiple stages including pullback, where a large…
By: Della Anggabrata | Civil Engineer
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a commonly used trenchless installation method. This article discusses the rig components, the machine mechanism, typical…
What is Horizontal Directional Drilling?Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) has come a long way since it first came onto the trenchless scene in the 1970s. It offers a…
By: Phil Kendon | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and microtunneling are trenchless pipeline installation techniques widely used for installing water, sewer, gas, electricity, and…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is now widely used for installing underground utilities without trenching and is a method pipeline contractors vouch for more and…
Pipeline projects are slowly but surely turning the trenchless way because of its non-disruptive nature. Unlike with traditional trenching methods, highway and railway…
In calculating labor costs for any trenchless project, there is one fact that trumps all others: Labor costs mount hourly. Overall, the cost of labor depends on how many…
By: Will Carpenter
Many utility contractors are now utilizing trenchless technology as their main method of installation for services such as water, sewer or gas utility pipelines, or are…
Earning a city contract can mean a steady flow of income for a company. However, winning that contract means pre-bidding meetings and putting together a bid package that…
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Every boring contractor wants their equipment to perform at its best. Efficient machinery means more efficient drives, faster job completion, fewer repairs, and, most of…
By: Krystal Nanan | Civil Engineer
The demand for natural gas and fuel has increased exponentially all over the world. Transporting crude oil and gas via tankers and trains has proven to be hazardous not…
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