What Does
Flow Simulation Mean?
Flow simulation is a form of computational fluid dynamics which digitally replicates flows in surface water or collection systems. Performing flow simulation allows for the prediction and analysis of how a flow might be impacted by complex geometry in an operational environment. Flow simulation is not limited to liquids and may be applied to gases as well. Flow simulation is especially useful in trenchless applications to predict how a system will behave in low and high use situations, such as dry vs. storm weather simulations for drainage systems.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Flow Simulation
Flow simulation can be used to identify and develop solutions and methods, as well as predict the effect of changes to a system. At times, however, the observed flow may differ from simulated flows. In these cases the estimated flow simulation needs to be updated with measured data. In trenchless technology, flow simulation may not be needed where there are no known flow problems or when problems are expected to be solved using techniques that do not impact the flow capacity or behavior of the system.