An in-situ stress test is carried out to determine the stresses in rocks through which drilling operations may have to be carried out because stress conditions in faults, dykes and joints often change significantly. In-situ stress is of great importance in geotechnical engineering because they form… View Full Term
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Even though trenchless methods minimize the need for excavation, there are still reasons that we sometimes need to dig. Whether it’s pit excavation, daylighting or any other type of excavation, you can learn about it here.
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is often a preferred trenchless pipe installation approach. It is completed in multiple stages including pullback, where a large…
By: Della Anggabrata | Civil Engineer
Trenchless construction projects suffer from the same pressures as any construction project - those that make you fall behind schedule and increase cost. However, there…
By: Phil Kendon | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Trenchless technology is used for the construction and rehabilitation of buried pipelines. Owing to its non-disruptive nature, it has become the method of choice when it…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
Hydrovac excavation is a trenching technique that involves loosening soil with a high-pressure water jet, while simultaneously removing the soil from the site via a…
By: Krystal Nanan | Civil Engineer
In calculating labor costs for any trenchless project, there is one fact that trumps all others: Labor costs mount hourly. Overall, the cost of labor depends on how many…
By: Will Carpenter
Trenchless technology is the answer to many of the woes encountered in open cut construction and rehabilitation of pipelines. Methods such as microtunneling and pipe…
Dewatering is a must on many construction sites. Many excavated areas can get filled with excess water due to various reasons including rain, melting ice, or a high…
Microtunneling is an accurate and reliable trenchless method that can bore through all types of soil, sand, and clay, and even through hard rock.Pipeline diameters…
Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated every fabric of society from toys to oil rigs. The COVID-19 pandemic is — in a way — paving the way for AI to be…
Hydro excavation is the process of excavating utilizing a combination of pressurized water and a high-powered vacuum system to remove the resulting spoils.This type of…
By: Trenchlesspedia Staff
According to a press release from the Common Ground Alliance (CGA), based on the findings of its Damage Information Reporting Tool (DIRT) Report, there were over 509,000…
While hydro excavation isn't the latest trenchless technology to be developed, today, it's time to take another look at its advantages and how its operation process…
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