Cubic Meter

Published: June 18, 2021 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Cubic Meter Mean?

A cubic meter is a volume made by a perfect cube of length, breadth, and height of 1 meter each. It is a unit of measurement and is denoted by the symbol m3. The unit is used to measure the amount of stuff whether liquid or solid, that can be fitted into the cube, also known as the volume of the cube.

For this purpose, the space or object under consideration is measured from three sides indicating its height, width, and depth, and then the dimensions are multiplied together. A cubic meter measurement is applied to many aspects of trenchless construction including for land farming of waste drilling fluid.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Cubic Meter

Land farming is a drilling waste management technique in which treated drilling fluid waste is spread over authorized farms and pastures for the purpose of disposal. Spreading the drilling mud over a land farm allows the drilling mud to dilute and break down. For oil well drilling utilizing oil-based mud, 1 to 2 cubic meters of solid debris per meter length of the drill will be generated. It mostly comprises minerals mixed with the drilling fluid including additives, water, and hydrocarbons.

Sometimes wells are drilled in very rural areas where access to special treatment facilities such as incineration plants is not possible. It has been found that spreading a sufficient amount of low concentration drill cuttings on farmland is an economical and environment-friendly solution for the biological treatment of hydrocarbons.

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