An in-situ stress test is carried out to determine the stresses in rocks through which drilling operations may have to be carried out because stress conditions in faults, dykes and joints often change significantly. In-situ stress is of great importance in geotechnical engineering because they form… View Full Term
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Trade associations offer great opportunities to learn more about the industry, as well as meet with other professionals and network!
India has made giant strides in the technological and industrial sectors. As a developing country with one of the world's largest population, India has many needs.…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
The Florence 2019 No-Dig Show kicks off September 30, 2019. The three-day expo brings together the best information about trenchless technology. Additionally, there are…
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Trenchless professionals are always looking for new ways or the best conventional methods to save money and improve infrastructure. That’s why the annual North…
By: Trenchlesspedia Staff
Trenchlesspedia recently attended NASTT’s No-Dig Show 2019 (the largest trenchless technology conference in North America) in Chicago. We met many trenchless…
Over the last several years, horizontal directional drilling (HDD) companies have enjoyed a steady increase in market shares, despite a slow down in oil and gas…
Learning is a process that ends when we do. As Wilbur Wright once said, “It is possible to fly without motors but not without knowledge and skill”.…
Testing standards for materials is an essential aspect of manufacturing. For trenchless technology, however, this testing does not just include the strength and…
A no dig show is a way to help others understand the trenchless technology industry. Held across the globe, industry leaders have a platform to share new information and…
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