What Does
Backflow Device Mean?
A backflow device is a preventive device that is installed in pipelines carrying potable water to protect the water from harmful chemicals and contaminants. A clogged sewer pipe or an industrial effluent pipe can flow back into the main system and thus contaminate other supply sources. This can happen either as a result of back-pressure or back-siphoning. The backflow device, also known as a reduced pressure zone (RPZ) valve, is installed at cross-connecting pipelines, such as where an industrial water supply meets the public water supply.
Backflow device installation and maintenance is a component of trenchless installation and repair.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Backflow Device
Sometimes due to a sudden drop in pressure, like in the case of use of fire hydrants, backflow can occur, contaminating potable water and making it harmful for consumption. Authorized plumbers are required to ensure that backflow devices are properly installed and regularly maintained. There are many cases of sewer lines getting clogged and flowing back into the home and into unprotected water pipelines. A backflow device works by opening the valve in case a pressure drop is detected, and dumps the water out instead of allowing contaminated water to flow back into the supply line.