Wetted perimeter of a pipe is the area of the pipe in contact with the fluid that it carries. Sewer systems are designed to perform in a uniform and steady manner to prevent blockage due to deposition of solids due to low velocity of flow or scouring due to high velocity of flow. Flow parameters… View Full Term
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If you need info on trenchless construction, this is the place! Learn about a wide variety of topics involving trenchless construction and all that it entails.
In the realm of underground infrastructure repair or installation, trenchless technology has revolutionized how professionals approach projects. This innovative method…
By: Chad Decker | Founding Partner, Devco Development and Engineering
There are two primary methodologies within the realm of underground construction: trenchless and cut-and-cover. Both methods have distinctive characteristics and…
By: Trenchlesspedia Staff
When it comes to trenchless excavation, choosing the right trenchless boring method is crucial to the success of your project. Trenchless boring, also known as…
Impact moling is one of the oldest trenchless methods and remains one of the most common, cheapest and most efficient. It is especially suitable for short length and…
By: Phil Kendon | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Sewers perform the simple function of moving water or waste streams from a source to a destination, but sewer design is more complicated than you may think. Most sewers…
Trenchless construction projects suffer from the same pressures as any construction project - those that make you fall behind schedule and increase cost. However, there…
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and microtunneling are trenchless pipeline installation techniques widely used for installing water, sewer, gas, electricity, and…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
Boring a hole is only the first step in a trenchless project. After the initial dig is complete, the hole must be enlarged to meet the project's demands. At this…
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Vitrified clay pipes may feel old fashioned and out of date. However, despite being almost abandoned decades ago, they are making a comeback in cities looking for a…
Trenchless technology is used for the construction and rehabilitation of buried pipelines. Owing to its non-disruptive nature, it has become the method of choice when it…
Creating a plumbing infrastructure capable of transporting water to residents and waste away from them is arguably one of the greatest feats man has accomplished.Through…
Proper drilling rig maintenance is vital. Proper care includes visually inspecting the equipment regularly. However, workers should consider the average work…
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