Lacustrine Wetland

Published: July 31, 2018 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Lacustrine Wetland Mean?

Lacustrine wetlands are swamps within lakes or reservoirs with shallow depth and growth of aquatic vegetation. The word lacustrine means "associated with lakes".

These wetlands are usually 20 acres or more with less than 30% vegetation cover. These wetlands are inhabited by delicate aquatic life, flora and fauna. Where pipelines have to pass through such environmentally sensitive areas, trenchless construction methods such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD) should be used. These methods do not disrupt the surface features in anyway as the drilling is carried out beneath the bed of the wetland.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Lacustrine Wetland

A lacustrine wetland has some typical characteristics. They are situated in a topographic depression or next to a lake or a near a channel joining the lake. The total area of lacustrine wetlands exceeds 20 acres and but those less than 20 acres are also included if a part or its entire boundary consists of active wave-formed or bedrock shoreline.

The deepest part of the basin is more than 2 meters in depth at low water with salinity less than 0.5 part per thousand (ppt). Most of the wetland area consists of open water. Lacustrine wetlands support vegetation including large-leafed plants, diatoms, algae, ferns and herbs. Vegetation at the boundaries includes reed like tall plants such as giant rush, twig rush and raupo.

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