What Does
Wastewater Mean?
Wastewater can be defined as water that has lost its potential to be used for domestic or industrial use. The contaminated water may contain waste products, detergents, cleaning agents, etc. from homes and offices, or harmful chemicals if discharged from industries. Such water is collected from lateral sewers connecting drains from homes, offices and industries to branch sewers that convey the water to main sewers and on to sewage treatment facilities where the water is treated and appropriately disposed of.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Wastewater
Treated wastewater is often used for agricultural purposes but it has to be ensured that the effluent meets the quality standards of microbiological and chemical levels. Untreated wastewater can prove to be a major health menace because it is a carrier of many pathogens and disease-carrying bacteria. It can contaminate potable water, and can also be the cause for environmental pollution of fresh water bodies, estuaries, wetlands, etc. causing death of aquatic plants and animals.
Traditionally, wastewater including storm water runoff was collected in combined sewers and discharged at treatment plants, however, during monsoon, excess storm water would cause overflow and require untreated wastewater to be discharged. Separate sanitary sewers ensure that wastewater that needs to be treated is carried in a separate sewer system. This allows for effective performance of wastewater treatment plants even if run off does enter the system at some point.