Central Power Station

Published: October 16, 2020 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Central Power Station Mean?

A central power station (CPS) is a centralized electricity generation facility located remotely and connected to a network of high-voltage transmission lines. The electricity generated is distributed to the end-users through the electric power grid.

The electric grid consists of electricity sub-stations, transformers, and power lines that connect distribution systems to the consumers.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Central Power Station

Electricity generation begins at the central power plant using resources such as coal, natural gas, or water. In coal-fired power plants, coal is crushed into a fine powder and fed into a combustion unit for burning. The heat from the burning coal is used to generate steam i.e. water in a highly pressurized state. This steam is piped through the plant to a turbine where the pressure from the steam causes the blades to rotate at high speed.

A shaft connects the turbine to a generator inside which is a magnetic field that produces electricity. The power produced by the generator enters a transmission substation where large transformers convert it to extremely high voltages so that it can travel efficiently over transmission lines to substations and thereafter to step-down substations.

Trenchless technology is used to install electric lines using horizontal directional drilling (HDD). Fused PVC is a material of choice for underground duct banks for power cables. Multiple conduits are bundled together with spacers for installation within a casing. The casing is installed using HDD and the conduit bundle is pulled in.

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