Downhole Pump

Published: August 23, 2021 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Downhole Pump Mean?

The downhole pump is a key component of the hydraulic pumping operation during an artificial gas lift from a wellbore. It basically helps lift the gas out of the well by imparting the required energy to move the fluid from the well bottom to the surface.

There are two types of downhole pump installation designs: fixed-pump and free-pump. In the fixed-pump design, the downhole pump is attached to the end of the tubing string and inserted into the well. In the free-pump design, the downhole pump can be circulated into and out of the well or installed and retrieved using wireline operations.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Downhole Pump

The downhole pump consists of components including:

  • Barrel tube
  • Holddown seal assembly
  • Plunger
  • Standing valve
  • Traveling valve

The barrel is the portion of the pump where the fluid flows from the formation. The barrel’s wall thickness can be heavy, standard or thin. The holddown assembly creates a seal between the tubing and the pump.

The plunger removes the liquid from the base of the pump and brings it to the top. The standing valve, located at the base of the pump, is a one-way valve that allows the liquid to flow from the formation to the barrel. The traveling valve, located at pump height, is also a one-way valve, which allows the oil to flow out of the barrel and prevents its return.

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