Wetted perimeter of a pipe is the area of the pipe in contact with the fluid that it carries. Sewer systems are designed to perform in a uniform and steady manner to prevent blockage due to deposition of solids due to low velocity of flow or scouring due to high velocity of flow. Flow parameters… View Full Term
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Trenchless construction requires a wide variety of tools and equipment, and here’s where you can learn all about them. From entire drilling rigs, down to the thread compound for drill rods, this is your source for equipment info.
Well-used drilling fluid will be full of unwanted solid content from the borehole after a drilling operation. The drilling fluid picks up all the soil and rock cuttings…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a commonly used trenchless installation method. This article discusses the rig components, the machine mechanism, typical…
By: Della Anggabrata | Civil Engineer
Trenchless construction projects suffer from the same pressures as any construction project - those that make you fall behind schedule and increase cost. However, there…
By: Phil Kendon | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is now widely used for installing underground utilities without trenching and is a method pipeline contractors vouch for more and…
Drilling mud, or drilling fluid, is a critical but often overlooked contributor to the overall success of a trenchless construction project. The wrong drilling mud has…
The trenchless industry is a vast community of highly skilled professionals from different engineering fields. Every individual in the industry plays a crucial role and…
To get the most out of your drilling equipment, proper use and maintenance are very important. This is where pipe dope — also known as thread compound — and…
Horizontal direction drilling (HDD) is a minimal impact trenchless installation and construction method used to install several types of underground structures and…
By: Krystal Nanan | Civil Engineer
Directional drilling has revolutionized the oil and gas industry, and with geosteering the revolution has notched up a level. Conventional directional drilling involved…
Waste generation is the inevitable byproduct of every construction activity. The problem does not lie in the fact that waste is generated; the problem lies in the way it…
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a useful trenchless method of installing new pipelines. It's the go-to method for oil drilling companies due to its ability…
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
The drill is one of the most common tools for use in metalworking, construction, and woodworking projects. This versatile tool allows the user to fasten materials…
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