Outflow Pipe

Published: July 8, 2020 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Outflow Pipe Mean?

An outflow pipe, in the context of sewer networks, refers to the pipe that exits from the premises of a residential, commercial or industrial building.

An outflow pipe carries sewage discharge from buildings and discharges it into the main sewer line. Maintenance and repair of outflow pipes are the responsibility of the owner.

Outflow pipes also refer to the pipes that discharge sewer from main sewer lines into sewage treatment plants for treatment and disposal. The maintenance and repair of these outflow pipes are the responsibility of the local municipality.

Outflow pipes are also called lateral pipes.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Outflow Pipe

Outflow pipes are just part of the sewer network consisting of many pipe components that help connect all the sewerage pipes from buildings in a community or city.

Lateral pipelines emerging from homes, offices, businesses, hotels, public toilets, etc. connect to the city sewer line and ensure that all waste generated is safely collected and removed so that people do not come into direct contact.

Branch sewers are an integral part of the municipal sewerage system that connects lateral sewer pipes from homes and offices along a street and empties it into the main sewers.

The main sewer collects wastewater from different laterals and branch sewers and delivers it to a trunk sewer, which either carries the water to a treatment plant via gravity or to an interceptor sewer which is connected to a lift station or pump if needed, to transport the wastewater to the treatment plant if it is located at a higher level than the gravity sewer network.


lateral pipe

lateral pipes

outflow pipes

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