Expected Surface Pressure

Published: December 3, 2021 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Expected Surface Pressure Mean?

Expected surface pressure is the highest predicted pressure to be exerted upon the surface of a well. The reservoir pressure is considered during the calculation of expected surface pressure. The expected surface pressure helps in determining the selected load cases along with suitable safety margins. The pressure is generally exerted on casing strings or wellhead equipment while drilling.

Another important surface pressure is the maximum anticipated surface pressure (MASP), which is the maximum pressure possible during the construction of the well.

Expected surface pressure is also known as anticipated surface pressure.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Expected Surface Pressure

To calculate expected surface pressure, various factors are taken into account, including:

  • Drilling
  • Production and completion conditions
  • Mud densities below various casing strings
  • Fracture gradients of exposed formations
  • Casing setting depths
  • Total well depth
  • Formation fluid type

The working pressure rating of any blowout preventer (BOP) component or wellhead assembly should exceed the expected surface pressure to which it may be subjected.

Expected surface pressure is equal to the breakdown pressure at a single point under consideration while subtracting the hydrostatic head of influx in the casing. A number of stages can make variations in the results of the surface pressure. It is also used in designing the well’s production string.


Anticipated Surface Pressure

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