An in-situ stress test is carried out to determine the stresses in rocks through which drilling operations may have to be carried out because stress conditions in faults, dykes and joints often change significantly. In-situ stress is of great importance in geotechnical engineering because they form… View Full Term
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When planning a trenchless project, operations are of the utmost importance. You must understand how things work, how the project needs to proceed and the best methods to use. Learn all about planning for your operations here.
In the realm of underground infrastructure repair or installation, trenchless technology has revolutionized how professionals approach projects. This innovative method…
By: Chad Decker | Founding Partner, Devco Development and Engineering
Well-used drilling fluid will be full of unwanted solid content from the borehole after a drilling operation. The drilling fluid picks up all the soil and rock cuttings…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is now widely used for installing underground utilities without trenching and is a method pipeline contractors vouch for more and…
What constitutes the value of human life? When dealing with trenchless construction and rehabilitation, it is a crucial assessment to consider before beginning.…
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Trenchless construction projects vary widely in terms of size, budget, and schedule. However, as with all construction projects, successful execution is heavily…
By: Krystal Nanan | Civil Engineer
Many utility contractors are now utilizing trenchless technology as their main method of installation for services such as water, sewer or gas utility pipelines, or are…
The trenchless construction of underground structures and infrastructure is performed in diverse regions in various ground conditions. Generally, soils can be classified…
By: Phil Kendon | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Fiber optic cables are the best choice for long-distance telecommunications and high-speed data connections. As the world continues to undergo a digital transformation,…
Trenchless technology is the answer to many of the woes encountered in open cut construction and rehabilitation of pipelines. Methods such as microtunneling and pipe…
The Deepwater Horizon incident at Macondo in the Gulf of Mexico that took place on April 20th, 2010, had a profound impact on the oil and gas industry. It was considered…
Trenchless construction operations, such as horizontal directional drilling, pipe ramming and pipe jacking, possess numerous benefits over traditional excavation.…
Manholes date back to the early 19th century when sewer designers determined to access the underground lines was necessary. To ensure the sewage flowed freely, designers…
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