An in-situ stress test is carried out to determine the stresses in rocks through which drilling operations may have to be carried out because stress conditions in faults, dykes and joints often change significantly. In-situ stress is of great importance in geotechnical engineering because they form… View Full Term
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Sliplining involves sliding one pipe into another and grouting it in place. This method can be used for repair or reinforcement of existing pipelines without the need to excavate.
Rehabilitation of lateral sewer pipe has some unique challenges, but trenchless construction methods offer viable solutions.Sewer systems consist of mains pipes running…
By: Phil Kendon | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
India has made giant strides in the technological and industrial sectors. As a developing country with one of the world's largest population, India has many needs.…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
A faulty gas line is nothing to mess with when you are a homeowner. A gas leak is dangerous, not just to the health of the occupants, but also to the safety of those…
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Pipelining is one of the oldest and most popular trenchless rehabilitation methods which involves inserting material into the host pipe, thereby creating a new pipe…
By: Krystal Nanan | Civil Engineer
Silently and efficiently, millions of gallons of wastewater from homes and industries flow under our feet every day in miles and miles of pipelines, thanks to a vast…
Everything deteriorates overtime, so does our plumbing. Much of our underground infrastructure is decades old and some are badly in need of rehabilitation. As cities are…
It is an old tale. Sewer, water, or gas lines running under a home breaks due to roots, age, or foundational sifting. Homeowner’s insurance rarely covers the cost,…
A modern-day convenience intrinsic to our lifestyle is fresh water delivered directly to homes via water pipelines, and sewage collected directly from homes via sewage…
The health of a home lies in its plumbing system, simply because it delivers potable water for drinking and cleaning; two major activities that constitute a clean and…
Underneath roads and yards, homes and businesses alike are connected by a series of pipes. This network of plumbing pumps clean water to the public, and fresh water is a…
As job opportunities bring in more people into our cities, the requirement for better infrastructure has become essential to prevent overuse or collapse of existing…
A term like sewer rehabilitation brings with it thoughts of dug up roads and sidewalks, piled up rubble, unpleasant smells, excess cost and wasted days. Traditional…
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