Wireline, in the context of trenchless technology, is a guidance system for guiding a drill head during the process of underground horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The position and altitude of the drill head is transmitted to the monitoring system housed within the drill operator with the… View Full Term
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If you need to rehabilitate a pipe but don’t want to replace a section, mechanical spot repair is a great option. This method uses a polyurethane gasket with grout to seal cracks in the pipe.
Underground and unnoticed, sewer pipes are often neglected. It is not until something goes wrong and sewage is backed up onto someone's lawn, into their basement or…
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
India has made giant strides in the technological and industrial sectors. As a developing country with one of the world's largest population, India has many needs.…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
Pipeline inspection methods have improved over the years with the most recent and advantageous being the trenchless methods of intelligent pigging and robotic pipe…
Sewer systems are one of the most critical utilities in any residential or commercial building. At the heart of these systems is a network of piping, called sewer lines,…
By: Krystal Nanan | Civil Engineer
Silently and efficiently, millions of gallons of wastewater from homes and industries flow under our feet every day in miles and miles of pipelines, thanks to a vast…
Selecting the best pipe material for a particular project depends on different factors, but mainly on the purpose of the pipeline. Materials commonly preferred for…
Pipe relining is a common trenchless pipe repair procedure. It's appropriate for pipes that haven't been broken up by time, nature (tree roots are one example)…
By: Will Carpenter
Corrosion happens to be the primary cause for maintenance related issues wherever metal is used. Even protected metal infrastructure, such as pipes, can become exposed…
Many people find themselves trying to find tips on preventing frozen pipes when a chilling winter breeze blows past their windows. It’s human nature to act at the…
One of the most expensive adventures in home ownership is plumbing. It's a bit of a truism that plumbing doesn't break during normal business hours and that…
Carbon monoxide is a deadly chemical that kills without warning. This naturally occurring substance is harnessed to heat homes and cook food. In nature, carbon monoxide…
Water main leaks are problematic for city workers and also for homeowners. Cities face the loss of precious resources, which can be hazardous in areas already facing…
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