An in-situ stress test is carried out to determine the stresses in rocks through which drilling operations may have to be carried out because stress conditions in faults, dykes and joints often change significantly. In-situ stress is of great importance in geotechnical engineering because they form… View Full Term
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Replacing old, worn-out pipes is a big part of trenchless operations. Learn more about replacement methods, for when rehabilitation isn’t enough.
Creating a plumbing infrastructure capable of transporting water to residents and waste away from them is arguably one of the greatest feats man has accomplished.Through…
By: Denise Sullivan | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Fiber optic cables are the best choice for long-distance telecommunications and high-speed data connections. As the world continues to undergo a digital transformation,…
The demand for natural gas and fuel has increased exponentially all over the world. Transporting crude oil and gas via tankers and trains has proven to be hazardous not…
By: Phil Kendon | Technical Writer @ Trenchlesspedia
Corrosion is a serious problem plaguing the sewer system all over the world as old pipelines are ignored and in a state of deterioration and collapse.New pipelines are…
By: Tabitha Mishra | Civil Engineer, Technical Content Writer
India has made giant strides in the technological and industrial sectors. As a developing country with one of the world's largest population, India has many needs.…
Since the late 1960s, trenchless technology has evolved exponentially to become one of the fastest and most efficient ways of installing various oil and gas pipeline…
By: Krystal Nanan | Civil Engineer
A faulty gas line is nothing to mess with when you are a homeowner. A gas leak is dangerous, not just to the health of the occupants, but also to the safety of those…
For nearly a century, beginning in the late 1800s, asbestos cement (AC) was used widely for pipe works. But the past few decades have seen a decline in the installation…
Trenchless rehabilitation projects are by nature executed on systems that are already in use. But for a repair to be executed safely and effectively, the pipeline must…
Pipelining is one of the oldest and most popular trenchless rehabilitation methods which involves inserting material into the host pipe, thereby creating a new pipe…
Wastewater management is essential to all populated areas. Without a proper sewage system, contaminated water can infect the environment causing harm to animals, plants…
Pipeline inspection methods have improved over the years with the most recent and advantageous being the trenchless methods of intelligent pigging and robotic pipe…
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