Closed-Circuit Television

Published: November 30, 2017 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Closed-Circuit Television Mean?

Closed circuit television (CCTV) is a television system that is used as a monitoring device for security or surveillance purposes. These cameras are strategically placed, and the input received is displayed on monitors attached to the system. The monitors, video recorders or cameras communicate via a wireless link or a coaxial cable run, which are all directly connected. The signal cannot be picked up by any other receiver unlike a broadcasting television, and hence, are called "closed-circuit."

In trenchless construction, CCTV is used to inspect the insides of pipes via the use of robotic rovers with mounted cameras. These mechanical robots may also be equipped with repairing tools and technology. In the industry, this is also referred to as pigging, and the robots referred to as intellegent pigs.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Closed-Circuit Television

CCTV cameras can be remotely operated and the stored data can be retrieved as required. With pan, tilt and zoom options available, the user can remotely manipulate the camera for closer inspection. Of late, CCTV has found use in the trenchless industry for the purpose of inspecting pipelines for damages and blocks before repair is carried out.

CCTV cameras are mounted on robotic crawlers that can be inserted into the sewer system from manholes. Mini cameras made for this purpose can inspect pipes as small as 50 mm. The cameras are connected to a monitor on the surface equipped with software to track the movement of the camera and to read the data to assess the current condition of the pipe. The CCTV camera operator can zoom, tilt and pan the camera to inspect a problem spot more closely. Cameras are also equipped with a lighting system to illuminate its path, providing excellent details. Inspection using CCTV cameras prior to undertaking rehabilitation work can save a lot of time and money.

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