Closed-Circuit Television Inspection

Published: August 31, 2017 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Closed-Circuit Television Inspection Mean?

Closed-circuit-television-inspection (CCTV) in the context of trenchless technology is a method employed to inspect the interiors of pipelines. In trenchless rehabilitation it is used to check for damage, leakages, inflow/ infiltration (i/I), tree root intrusion, etc. In the case of new installations, prior to commissioning the pipeline is inspected by CCTV to ensure that the pipes have been jointed correctly and no damage has occurred during the pullback process. CCTV cameras can be introduced into the pipelines from manholes and are guided using remote control.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Closed-Circuit Television Inspection

CCTV cameras are mounted on robotic crawlers that are connected to a remote control and a video monitor. The crawler progresses and the CCTV relays back real time images to the monitoring computer system. Before any invasive methods are used to repair or rectify reported problems, it is essential to undertake a CCTV inspection. This helps in pin pointing problem areas using measurements passed on from the CCTV. This can help reduce time and cost invested in repair work. These crawlers can also navigate bends and curves in the pipelines and can accurately capture the pipes internal condition. These cameras also have pan and tilt options to inspect a suspected area more closely, rotation capability, and lighting options to illuminate its surroundings.

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