Jacking Frame

Published: December 31, 2017 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Jacking Frame Mean?

A jacking frame is a device that houses the cylinders used in pipe jacking and balances thrust to the pipe. It also ensures the angle of the jacking is aligned with the line of the borehole in much the same way as a guide rail would.

The jacking frame is installed in the entrance pit of a trenchless construction operation.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Jacking Frame

One of the methods employed in the trenchless construction industry to advance pipe through a borehole is the practice of pipe jacking, also called pipe ramming. To ensure that pipes are rammed in the right direction, operators may use a guide rail or a jacking frame. The jacking frame has the added function of housing the mechanism that performs the pipe jacking, as opposed to using equipment that rides the rails of a guide rail.

Installing a jacking frame is part of the setup of a pipe jacking operation. The first step is the excavation of both the entrance and exit pits. Once safety measures are in place, the jacking frame is installed. This may require the pouring of a concrete mat as a foundation to secure the jacking frame in place.

The use of a guide rail or jacking frame is integral to any pipe ramming operation.

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