Geotechnical Investigation

Published: October 20, 2017 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Geotechnical Investigation Mean?

Geotechnical investigation implies the use of different methods to determine the physical properties of soil and rock below the surface of the earth in a proposed installation site. It helps engineers to make decisions regarding the type of tools that will be required to dig through the site in the most economical manner. It also gives an assessment of potential environmental impact that a project may cause to a particular area.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Geotechnical Investigation

Geotechnical investigation is a very essential step in any trenchless operation because knowledge of subsurface conditions is key to a successful project. There are different methods used for conducting subsurface investigation like:

  • Soil sampling
  • Laboratory tests
  • The logging method
  • Field vane shear testing
  • Pressure meter testing
  • Plate load testing
  • Permeability testing
  • Piezometer installation
  • Standard penetration testing
  • Cone penetration testing

Bores and trial pits are used to determine soil stratification and ground water levels. Results from the investigation are used to design pipelines and determine appropriate tools to be used during the drilling process that will prevent failure due to buckling or collapse. Pipelines designed using geotechnical data will give optimum performance through all stages of its designed lifespan.

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