Resin Injection

Published: May 30, 2018 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Resin Injection Mean?

Resin injection is a form of grouting used for the repair or reinforcement of underground pipes or tunnels. The process involves the pressurized injection of material into cracks or other defects as part of trenchless rehabilitation efforts. Resin is used to fill gaps in concrete or masonry to make it stronger or more waterproof.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Resin Injection

When a concrete structure develops cracks or other faults, it makes sense to fill these gaps with more concrete. There may be instances where concrete-based aggregates are adequate, but construction managers are increasingly turning to resins to do the job. A resin grout can offer greater reliability and even provide a permanent fix.

Resins are often thought of as sticky, plant-based substances that are extracted from sources like fir or pine trees. But synthetic polymers form the basis of epoxy resins that are used as adhesives in a variety of applications. For example, cyanoacrylate is an acrylic resin that we commonly refer to as “superglue.”

Trenchless construction operators use resin injection to rehabilitate pipes or tunnels. It can also be used to preserve tunnels before significant defects occur. Resin forced through drilled holes in tunnels can penetrate and permeate surrounding gaps in the structure.

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