Apparent Tensile Strength

Published: October 30, 2017 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Apparent Tensile Strength Mean?

Apparent tensile strength is a measure of how much stress can be applied to a material before it breaks or is deformed permanently. It is used to test plastic and resin materials like PVC piping. Apparent tensile strength is an important quality measure of plastic piping and is normally supplied on the batch certificate of the product.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Apparent Tensile Strength

Apparent tensile strength is measured in a laboratory using the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) method D2290-16. A ring of material is notched and then pressure is applied from the inside, forcing the ring wider and wider. Eventually the ring breaks or permanently deforms in line with the notch. The amount of pressure being applied at the point of failure is recorded as the apparent tensile strength.

When a pipe is in service, it is exposed to stresses like high pressure due to a blockage. If the apparent tensile strength is too low, the pipe could rupture when exposed to these stresses.

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