Acceptable Quality Level

Published: September 30, 2017 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Acceptable Quality Level Mean?

Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) is a statistical term that is used to govern a contract between a buyer and seller. In a batch of goods purchased, inspections by the seller do not catch every defect that may occur. The buyer then agrees to a limit of failures (AQL) that is acceptable in the supply agreement.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Acceptable Quality Level

Products that are sold and bought in mass quantities are subject to agreements that are set in order to create a reasonable expectation of potential defects. In terms of trenchless construction, these statistical limits could apply to hoses and fittings, electrical components and even pipe segments. The AQL agreed between buyer and seller will have an impact on price. For example, fittings with an AQL of 2% (i.e. up to 2% failures in the total batch of fittings purchased) will be more expensive than fittings with an AQL of 4%, because more inspections and quality controls will be required to achieve the better AQL.


Fault Contingency

Fault Limit

Fault Standard

Damage Standard

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