Slurry Boring

Published: February 28, 2018 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Slurry Boring Mean?

Slurry boring is a fluid-assisted excavation technique that uses a semi-liquid mix to improve drilling effectiveness. It is used in horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to create pilot boreholes. Slurry boring can stabilize borehole walls as well as remove suspended spoil from the excavation site.

Slurry boring is also known as slick boring or wet boring.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Slurry Boring

Construction managers discovered long ago that the use of drilling fluid can greatly enhance drilling operations. The slurry boring technique takes advantage of drilling mud materials such as bentonite to increase the speed of drilling, lubricate the drilling head, evacuate excavated soil, and pressurize tunnel surfaces.

Slurry boring is a two-stage process used in horizontal directional drilling. The first stage involves the penetration of the drill head from entrance to exit pit. During the second stage, the pipe is pulled through the borehole.

During the boring process, drilling fluid (usually bentonite) applies pressure to the wall of the excavated hole. This provides some stability until the pipe can be installed. At the same time, spoil from the excavation becomes suspended in the slurry as it moves back through the borehole. The resulting spoil may then be processed to meet environmental safety requirements.


Slick Boring

Wet Boring

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