Sewer Tightness

Published: May 7, 2017 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Sewer Tightness Mean?

Sewer tightness can be defined as the ability of a sewer pipeline to contain the liquid within it without leaks through manholes, connections, bends and elbows. In trenchless technology, pipelines are laid using minimal surface disruptive procedures making it essential to carry out tests to determine if all the connections and joints have been laid without damage.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Sewer Tightness

The air tightness test and the water tightness test are the two main means of carrying out tests for sewer tightness. These tests are applied to newly laid sewage pipes before it is used, existing pipes that are suspected of leaks and on repaired pipes to check if the repair was successful. The tightness checking of pipes is done between manholes by sealing the entry and exit using plugs. Pressurized air or water is inserted into the section and the results are monitored on a computer. The tightness of joints between pipes is carried out by localizing the joint by video recording. A special device is used to check the tightness by inserting it into the pipe. The device seals both sides of the joints after which air or water is supplied to the main pipe. The difference in pressure if any is noted on the monitoring computer.

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