What Does
Air Tightness Test Mean?
An air tightness test is defined as a procedure to determine the air tightness of a given pipeline at air tight joints and U traps. In order to maintain the pressure in the pipeline, a certain amount of air has to escape. Thus, an air tightness test also determines the percentage of lost air over a certain time period. Trenchless technology is used to replace or repair pipes where leak is detected.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Air Tightness Test
The air tightness test is carried out by first closing all valves and open ends by using inflatable stoppers. To obtaining reliable results, the air inside the pipe is stabilized which can be achieved by maintaining a predetermined constant pressure for a small time period or by introducing water into the pipeline before the stoppers are replaced. The inflatable stopper should be placed against a clean pipe wall to ensure a good seal. The manometer tube is then connected to the inflatable stopper at the end of the test tap. Air is pumped until internal pressure reaches the desired limit on the manometer and a predetermined time of stabilization occurs. Once stabilized, the air is adjusted either by forcing or releasing air.