What Does
Damage Limitation Mean?
Damage limitation is the process of ensuring that the valves fitted to pipelines are in good operating condition to minimize the damage that will be caused in case a pipeline experiences failure. Failure can be caused due to a variety of reasons including mechanical and manufacturing defects, human error and acts of nature.
Trenchless construction techniques require the laying of pipes using methods such as directional drilling, auger boring and microtunneling, which are performed below the ground surface. If care is not taken, it is possible to damage the pipeline during the process.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Damage Limitation
Oil, gas and chemical pipelines carry hazardous material that need constant monitoring for leaks. While laying these pipelines, it is possible that the pipe may experience mechanical damage by a boring instrument or a backhoe tooth.
Structural damage to the pipeline can also occur due to natural catastrophes.
Mechanical damages are small in nature and hence can go unnoticed for a long period of time. However; these small damages can grow by stress, causing fatigue and stress tears, eventually leading to a major failure. To prevent this, operating valves should be in good condition to ensure that affected pipelines can be isolated by turning off the valves.
Conducting periodic inline inspection can help in making timely repairs by detecting damages early.