Sound Attenuation Wall

Published: August 23, 2018 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Sound Attenuation Wall Mean?

Sound attenuation walls are engineered exterior structures that are used to reduce the impact of noise from construction activity on the general public. They are placed at strategic locations between the noise source and the areas to be protected, and can be constructed from different materials including concrete, masonry, wood, plastic or any other engineered material.

Sound attenuation walls are also known as acoustic barriers, noise barriers or noise walls.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Sound Attenuation Wall

Sound attenuation walls do not completely block all noise; rather, they reduce the overall noise to acceptable levels. Some walls can reduce construction noise levels by as much as half. These walls are normally used to protect the inhabitants of sensitive areas such as residential neighborhoods.

Sound attenuation walls reduce sound by absorbing, transmitting or reflecting the sound as the sound waves come into contact with the structure. Some walls may also work by forcing the sound to take a longer path around the barrier, therefore, causing a reduction in intensity.

In addition to construction noise, sound attenuation walls can also be used to dampen the noise coming from highways, railways, airports or industrial facilities.


Acoustic Barrier

Noise Barrier

Noise Wall

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