
Published: December 19, 2018 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Continuity Mean?

Continuity is a type of test conducted to determine the resistance between two points. Low resistance implies that the points are connected electrically while a high resistance indicates that the circuit is not connected or is open. Continuity is very crucial in trenchless construction methods such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to determine if the tracer wire system has been installed correctly.

If continuity is found it means that the tracer wire is installed correctly and if not found, the tracer wire must be reinstalled.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Continuity

Continuity is performed for locate and check the installed tracer wire once the drilling is complete. It can also help understand if the wire has been damaged during the process. Tracer wires are installed in boreholes for the purpose of locating them in the future if need arises. A good tracer wire has a durable thick high density polyethylene (HDPE) coating that protects it from damage during the pullback process. The connectors used in the tracer wires use a dielectric gel, are rated for direct burial and are sealed. This prevents corrosion and ensures that signal is good for continuity.

Using good HDPE coated tracer wires and connectors ensure continuity and eliminate the need for costly re-bore.

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