What Does
Core Puller Mean?
Core puller is an equipment that is used to pull the core sample obtained during geotechnical investigation for the purpose of studying soil property. Core samples are very important for sampling and conducting soil investigation in order to select appropriate boring methods for laying pipelines.
Since the boring process is carried out underground and out of sight, it is very essential to understand the soil characteristics that exist in the bore path. Boring blindly can cause damage to the equipment and even lead to the failure of the pipeline project.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Core Puller
There are different types of core barrels but the standard one used is the double core tube barrel that is capable of isolating the sample from the drilling fluid stream. Core barrels are used to bring up rock samples from the drilling operation. The single tube core barrel is the least expensive and most sturdy one with a head section, core recovery tube, a reamer shell and cutting bit. The standard and most preferred is the double tube core barrel in which the outer barrel rotates with the cutting bit while the inner barrel retains the core sample and is either fixed or swivels on bearings.
Core puller helps remove the samples from the barrels safely without damaging the sample. These samples are removed in the laboratory for testing material.