Contingency Plan

Published: November 13, 2019 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Contingency Plan Mean?

A contingency plan can be defined as an alternative plan prepared for a project in case the original plan fails. Trenchless projects are conducted remotely below the earth's surface and carry a significant amount of risk and cost associated with it.

Contingency planning is therefore essential to ensure that the project can be continued on an alternate plan without incurring heavy losses.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Contingency Plan

Contingency planning is an integral part of the planning process of a trenchless project along with other factors such as geotechnical investigation and deviation planning. During trenchless operations such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD), microtunneling etc., it is possible to hit strata that may not have been encountered during the geotechnical and soil investigation process.

If the strata cannot be penetrated using the method being used, an alternate method may have to be used or the project may have to be abandoned; which can prove to be very expensive. A contingency plan in place for such and other unforeseen scenarios can help complete the project even if it means extra time and cost.

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