What Does
Staging Area Mean?
A staging area is the area near a construction site that is used as a temporary area for the purpose of carrying out construction activities. It serves as a place for storing material, equipment, assembling pipelines and as a work area for the construction crew to begin construction activities.
The staging area should be sufficient for working safely and well protected to prevent accidents from stray animals or people.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Staging Area
There are two separate staging areas in a trenchless operation, one for the drilling operation and the other for storing and assembling pipelines. Both areas have to be well protected, fenced, neat and orderly.
The staging area is cleared and covered with gravel and often reinforced with timber matting. The staging area can be located anywhere such as wetlands, pastures, and fields. Open pipe ends should be protected to prevent entry by animals or people.
The right of way (ROW) and easement boundaries specified by the owner should be established and maintained. After completion of work, the staging area should be cleared of all debris and leftover raw material, and excavated portions should be covered up and restored to original condition.