Ground Penetrating Radar

Published: March 30, 2017 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Ground Penetrating Radar Mean?

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a technique used to detect subsurface structures and anomalies such as pipes, voids, discontinuities and changes in the compositional make-up of the soil. GPR is a nondestructive method that sends radar pulses and reads the reflected signals. The use of GPR may be limited by the availability of trained personnel, the high amount of energy consumption needed for large areas, ground with high salt content, and signal scattering caused by ground with a highly mixed composition.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Ground Penetrating Radar

GPR uses electromagnetic energy in the microwave band radiation. Voids, cracks, changes in material and other anomalies are detected by the refelcted and refracted signals picked up by the GPR’s receiving antenna. GPR testing can prove invaluable before drilling begins by giving a clear picture of the obstacles and objects that may be encountered. It also allows the crew to create a plan to locate, avoid or otherwise deal with those variations. Multiple lines of GPR data over an area can be organized into a three-dimensional image of the ground.

GPR needs to be operated by highly trained technicians to design, conduct and interpret the resulting pictures. Although GPR can identify items, it can not identify specific materials.

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