Remote Sensing

Published: July 22, 2017 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Remote Sensing Mean?

Remote sensing is defined as technology that gathers and processes information with the help of satellite scans and aerial photography. This technology helps gather information regarding the geological features of the earths terrain including natural and artificial landmarks. Remote sensing offers a more comprehensive picture of a particular area than other survey methods. Currently, remote sensing is being extensively used for undertaking geotechnical surveys before planning for projects such as tunneling and the laying of pipelines using trenchless methods.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is used by geologists to study and understand the formation of mineral deposits, sedimentary rocks, oil field and the effect of the water table, etc. This method has also been widely used for many applications like weather forecasting and predicting geological activity like earthquakes and volcanoes.

Many trenchless construction projects like tunnels, pipelines and bridges run for long distances and may pass through very different geographical and soil conditions. With the help of data gathered by remote sensing, it is possible to create a map of the area through which the project will pass. Using this data, engineers can plan the shortest and most feasible route for the project. Remote sensing can also be used to locate objects and utilities under the ground, water bodies and small details like road dividers and buildings, providing more detailed information of the land being surveyed than most other methods of survey.

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