Greenhouse Effect

Published: March 25, 2019 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Greenhouse Effect Mean?

Greenhouse effect is a process that occurs naturally, in which the earths surface is warmed by the sun's energy trapped in the earth's lower atmosphere. Some of the sun's energy is reflected back to space while the rest is absorbed by the earth and re-radiated by greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. This absorbed energy is what warms the atmosphere and the earth's surface.

Construction activities have a significant environmental footprint due to emission of greenhouse gasses and consumption of energy.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Greenhouse Effect

Digging trenches for pipeline installation requires use of heavy machinery and heavy vehicles such as dump trucks that require a lot of fuel and leave a huge carbon footprint. Trenching also requires backfill that uses additional use of vehicles and machinery. Using trenchless technology has proved to be more environment friendly than traditional trenching. Since excavation is limited to the borehole, the need for heavy machinery to excavate and transport the dirt to a landfill is considerably reduced.

This reduces the carbon footprint and reduces the greenhouse effect due to the construction activity. Proper planning of a construction project helps utilize resources, material and machinery optimally thus helping in minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.

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