What Does
Mechanical Wave Measurement Mean?
Mechanical wave measurements like electromagnetic wave measurements are used to study particulate geomaterials by noting their interaction with the material being tested. The interaction of the waves excites different phenomenon and reveals different information about the material being tested.
Mechanical waves produce shear distortion and volumetric changes in the material being tested.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Mechanical Wave Measurement
Mechanical waves produce changes in inter-atomic distances while preserving local electro-neutrality. When mechanical waves are propagated, they analyze the microstructure of the particulate medium at small strains. Information about shear and normal forces in its inter-granular structure is revealed by its velocity and attenuation. In saturated soils, shear waves propagate through the solid matrix with minimum influence from the pore fluid.
Attenuation is affected by pressure, porosity, viscosity, degree of saturation, and by material properties such as density and rigidity. Wave techniques can be used to monitor different processes and also investigate the phenomenon causing the processes.