Shear Wave Velocity

Published: May 23, 2019 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Shear Wave Velocity Mean?

Shear wave velocity is a measure of the mechanical property of soil and can be measured in field and laboratory. Shear wave velocity measurement is used along with other parameters from other tests such as standard penetration test blow count, cone penetration resistance, etc. In-situ shear stress can be measured using various methods such as seismic refraction, crosshole method, downhole method, and suspension logging.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Shear Wave Velocity

When mechanical waves are propagated, they analyze the microstructure of the particulate medium at small strains. Information about shear and normal forces in its inter-granular structure is revealed by its velocity and attenuation. In saturated soils, shear waves propagate through the solid matrix with minimum influence from the pore fluid. Attenuation is affected by pressure, porosity, viscosity, degree of saturation, and by material properties such as density and rigidity.

Wave techniques can be used to monitor different processes and also investigate the phenomenon causing the processes.


Secondary Waves

Transverse Waves

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