Continuous Gas Injection

Published: June 19, 2019 | Last updated: July 5, 2023

What Does Continuous Gas Injection Mean?

Continuous gas injection is a gas lift pumping method in which high pressure gas is continuously injected down the annulus through a gas lift valve into the tubing. This reduces the wellbore pressure on the formation resulting in a drawdown between the wellbore and formation allowing production of fluid. During gas lift operations, the oil production rate increases as gas injection rate increases.

As the injection rate of gas increases, the producing oil well will experience a decrease in gravitational pressure drop while experiencing an increase in frictional pressure drop.

Trenchlesspedia Explains Continuous Gas Injection

In continuous gas injection the fluid flows continuously from the well bottom to the surface. A small volume of high pressure gas is injected into the tubing to lighten the fluid column aiding in delivering liquid to the surface. This method is used in wells with high or very high reservoir pressure compared to depth of well. Gas lift is a method that is reliable and simple and does not require the use of a downhole pump.

Compressed air is injected into the lower section of the tubing to enhance the productivity of the well by mixing with the liquid column and reducing its density and viscosity, making it easier for the fluid to reach the surface.

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