What Does
Soil Nail Shoring Mean?
Soil nail shoring is the process in which angled holes are drilled into the sidewall of an excavation and soil nails are inserted and grouted in place. The soil nails act as anchors that hold the soil in place. Shotcrete or precast panels are used to seal the sidewall face after nailing is complete.
Trenchless construction methods do not require trenching, but require an entry pit to install the rig and launch the installation, as well as an exit pit to retrieve the pipeline on the other side. These pits need to be secured to prevent the excavated sides from collapsing.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Soil Nail Shoring
Soil nail walls are constructed by installing closely spaced steel bars or nails into the ground by driving them into the soil or inserting them into holes drilled into the soil; the soil nails are grouted if placed into drilled holes. The construction of soil nail walls takes place from the top down, and head plates are installed on each nail. Shotcrete or concrete is applied on the wall face to provide continuity.
This method is used when excavations need to be stabilized and where other retaining wall systems are not feasible, such as for vertical or near-vertical excavated sidewalls. This method is economical and faster than other methods.