
Entry Point

By Trenchlesspedia Staff
Published: December 21, 2023 | Last updated: February 16, 2024

What Does Entry Point Mean?

An “entry point” refers to the specific location where equipment, tools, or machinery are introduced into the ground to initiate a trenchless construction or rehabilitation process. This entry point serves as the starting point for various trenchless methods such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD), microtunneling, pipe jacking, or other techniques that minimize the need for traditional open-cut excavation.


Trenchlesspedia Explains Entry Point

In trenchless construction projects, entry points are strategically chosen based on factors such as the desired alignment of the underground infrastructure, geological conditions, and the need to minimize disruptions to existing structures or landscapes.

The selection of an appropriate entry point requires a thorough understanding of the project requirements and the subsurface conditions. Engineers and project planners consider factors such as soil composition, potential obstacles, environmental impact, and the alignment of the borehole. Additionally, accessibility for the drilling equipment and any required support machinery is crucial in determining the ideal entry point.

Each entry point has a corresponding exit point. Together, these points define the path of the drilled hole and the alignment of the installed pipeline or utility.


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