What Does
Exit Point Mean?
An “exit point” refers to the specific location where equipment, tools, or machinery emerge from the ground after completing a trenchless construction or rehabilitation process. This point marks the end of the underground operation, such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD), microtunneling, pipe jacking, or other techniques that minimize the need for traditional open-cut excavation.
Trenchlesspedia Explains Exit Point
In trenchless construction, exit points are strategically chosen to align with the desired path of the installed pipeline, conduit, or utility. Exit points influence the alignment and trajectory of the installed infrastructure. Their placement can reduce the impact on the landscape and optimize the overall efficiency of the trenchless operation.
Engineers and project planners carefully select the exit point to ensure that the emerging bore aligns precisely with the intended destination and meets project specifications. Factors influencing the selection of an exit point include subsurface conditions, geology, and the specific requirements of the project. The exit point must allow for the safe emergence of the drilling equipment and any accompanying materials, while ensuring the integrity of the newly installed infrastructure.
Each exit point has a corresponding entry point. Together, these points define the path of the drilled hole and the alignment of the installed pipeline or utility.